We help YOU close more deals by delivering you qualified buyer and seller opportunities and a follow up with your contacts for you...
Do you want THE SECRET TO GETTING QUALIFIED ONLINE LEADS FROM SOCIAL... Every Day...without cold calling or door knocking?
"This is an awesome testimonial from a client"
Your awesome client, TheirSite.com
How We Get You Qualified Buyer and Seller Leads and 12-15 Appointments every 30 Days
We will discuss the System that Generated Millions Of Dollars in Real Estate Transactions this year
What you will learn:
• The new model of generating closings online that books appointments with qualified leads in your calendar and doesn't require cold-calling or thousands of dollars in ad spend.
• How to make your competition irrelevant and never worry about next month's sales, even if you don't consider yourself an "expert."
• The exact strategy agents used to sell over $50,000,000 in home sales in 2021 plus we will show you our current ads that are working.
Ai Based CRM
Turn leads into clients with state of the art Ai based CRM that helps you build your business
Marketing Material
We created material that is packed with useful insights that positions YOU as the “go-to” agent in your market.
Automated Follow-Up
Our powerful automation machine helps agents follow up effectively so they can stay on top of leads effortlessly
WHAT WE DO - - - - -
Build Brand Awareness to get Cold Leads into the top of the funnel
Retarget to bring them to middle of funnel as warm leads
Build trust and nurture to bring them to bottom of funnel as hot leads
Exponentially increased conversion rate
Working with warmer leads who like, know and trust you
Booked appointments leading to closed transactions
Most Realtors (and Lead Gen companies) make only 1 COLD touch
Most also do NOT provide VALUE in their ads
Waste $5+ / day on the wrong type of ads to the wrong audience
Fail to Retarget, which can increase conversion up to 150%
Not knowing when a new lead comes in
Struggle to find your leads in Ads Manager
Don't contact them within the first 5 minutes
Pray their contact info is right
Hope they pick up
1-2 Touches Only ...they simply don't follow up consistently